Monday, 31 October 2011

Glen Ogle Viaduct

Glen Ogle Viaduct : Captured with a 4x5 Arca swiss model B on Fuji Provia 100.
I took this on the way back from Glencoe where I was shooting an assignment for an environmental unit at he beginning of 2011.

Sunday, 30 October 2011


My intention is to use this blog to share my photographic journey. I aim to post at least twice a month a mixture of my work and technical articles that I hope will be of use to fellow photographers and also use the blog as a diary for my own purposes, it will be nice to collate all my info in one place rather than all over the house. Please feel free to comment both good and bad but please keep it constructive and if you have any links you would like to share please send them to me and I will add them to the site.
