Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Cyanotypes Part 2

Following on from my first cyanotype post I have now had the chance to test the process with the digital negative I had. The first test I did I exposed a sheet of parer for fifteen minutes under the U.V lamps that we have a college, lthough there was an out line of an image I could tell that we was going to need a much longer exposure time so I doubled the exposure time and then doubled it again, at an hour I was getting a good exposure but lacked any sky detail so I exposed the next sheet for an hour and a half this didn't overpower the main image and also put detail in to the sky area. After each exposure I washed the prints of with water, I have since learn't that I haven't been washing them for long enough and you can tell this in the two photographs that there is a bit of yellow staining from unwashed off sensitiser. T he prints require a good five mintes rinsing to ensure they are clean.

I have also found out by trial and error that differnt papers using the same negative require quite different exposure times, this is similar to the way different paper's behave in traditional B&W photography and I have got some really good results on some parchment paper that I purchased as single sheets from an art store.

The next step is going to be making some tea toner and toning some images, it will be intresting to see how the toner changes the images.
 The above image has been exposed for 1 hr
This is the image that was exposed for 1.30 mins as you can see there is detail in the sky area
The sensitiser I have made up from the formula gives a lovely china blue when it has fully dried, these images are just as they have dried.

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