Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Melrose Abbey

I recently took a trip into the borders to get a shot of Melrose Abbey for one of my upcoming photography units using a 5x4 camera.
Melrose Abbey is said to contain the heart of Robert the Bruce and is large Gothic ruin of a monastery of the  Cistercian order founded in 1136.
This was before I had the Wista field camera so I was using my trusty Arca Swiss monorail which is an excellent camera although a bit of a pain out of the studio. It was unreal a beautiful day, no wind lots of detail in the sky and hardly a soul to be seen, that is until I oped the flight case for the camera then half of the American tourists in Scotland descended on the Abbey and that made life interesting waiting for an empty frame into which I could capture the image I needed, I waited, waited and waited some more until finally after around 45 - 50 minutes I finally got the shot unfortunately the sky was now grey all the big white clouds had vanished and the blue sky was gone never to return that day.
I really love the detail you can capture on Large Format, printed on IlfordFB warmtone gloss and selinium toned for archival purposes

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