Sunday, 15 January 2012

Night shoot

I have wanted to do a night shoot down the local beach for a while but getting the three things I needed to all come together has been a challenge, 1, tide out, 2, clear night and 3, a full moon!
My idea being to shoot a roll of HP5 using the Hasselblad as a tester too see what it comes out like and then go back and do it again with a 4x5 .

The conditions have been trying to say the least on the first night tide out, but the cloud was so dense it was pitch black, on the second night there was plenty of cloud but breaks in it so i had to work fast metering and getting my exposure before the cloud covered the moon again plus it was windy and very cold by the time i had set up the camera I could barely feel my fingers anyway I shot a roll but having developed them I am struggling to scan them so I will make a proper contact sheet to evaluate the negs properly.

Here is one that I did get to scan, the metered time was 4secs but I pulled the film a stop and exposed it as 200 ISO so my actual exposure including reciprocal failure was 15 seconds and then I bracketed around that by a stop.

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